Sarah Michelle Gellar starred as Buffy Summers in the '90s hit TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." She became an instant cultural icon, representing a new kind of feminine heroism.Claire Danes played the role of Juliet opposite Leonardo DiCaprio's Romeo in Baz Luhrmann's 1996 adaptation of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." The film was a modern take on the classic tale and became a hit.Keanu Reeves starred as Neo in the groundbreaking 1999 film "The Matrix." This role solidified his place as a major action star and became a defining film of the late '90s.Julia Roberts played the role of Vivian Ward in the 1990 romantic comedy "Pretty Woman." The film was a commercial success and established Roberts as a leading lady in Hollywood.Heath Ledger played the male lead, Patrick Verona, in the 1999 film "10 Things I Hate About You," a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Ledger gained fame through this role.Cameron Diaz starred in the 1998 romantic comedy "There's Something About Mary." Her performance earned her a Golden Globe nomination and the film became a box office hit.Lucy Lawless gained international fame for her role as Xena in the '90s TV series "Xena: Warrior Princess." The character of Xena became a feminist icon and a pop culture phenomenon.David Duchovny portrayed Fox Mulder in the iconic '90s TV show "The X-Files." The series explored themes of extraterrestrial life and government conspiracies and gained a cult following.Sandra Bullock played the female lead, Annie Porter, in the 1994 action film "Speed." Her role as a courageous everyday woman caught in a dangerous situation helped elevate her status in Hollywood.Neve Campbell starred in the 1996 film "The Craft," a supernatural teen drama. The movie gained a cult following and is considered a quintessential '90s film that dealt with themes of witchcraft and high school life.James Van Der Beek played Dawson Leery in the popular '90s teen drama series "Dawson's Creek." The show became a cultural phenomenon, putting Van Der Beek on the map as one of the decade's teen idols.Julia Roberts starred in the 1997 romantic comedy "My Best Friend's Wedding." The film was a commercial and critical success, earning Roberts another Golden Globe nomination.Alicia Silverstone played Cher Horowitz in the 1995 teen comedy "Clueless." The film is a modern adaptation of Jane Austen's "Emma," and it catapulted Silverstone into '90s stardom.Will Smith played the character Agent J in the 1997 sci-fi comedy "Men in Black." The film was a box office hit and helped solidify Will Smith's status as a leading man in Hollywood.Neve Campbell played Sidney Prescott in the '90s horror franchise "Scream." Her role is considered one of the most iconic in the horror genre, defining her as a '90s scream queen.Obtuviste 0 de 15Obtuviste 1 de 15Obtuviste 2 de 15Obtuviste 3 de 15Obtuviste 4 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 5 de 15Obtuviste 6 de 15Obtuviste 7 de 15Obtuviste 8 de 15Obtuviste 9 de 15Obtuviste 10 de 15Obtuviste 11 de 15Obtuviste 12 de 15Obtuviste 13 de 15Obtuviste 14 de 15Obtuviste 15 de 15
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Sigue participando en las preguntas y deja que tu pasión por aprender alimente tu camino hacia el éxito. Recuerda, cada pregunta es una oportunidad para crecer y mejorar. ¡Estás en camino de convertirte en un verdadero adicto a las preguntas y respuestas!¡Buen trabajo, aventurero de Quizdict! Eres como un hábil explorador que se enfrenta al complicado terreno de las trivialidades. Sigue con los cuestionarios, fan de Quizdict, y deja que tu pasión por el conocimiento te impulse hacia la victoria. Recuerda, cada pregunta es una oportunidad para aprender y crecer. ¡Estás en el camino correcto para convertirte en un verdadero adicto a los cuestionarios!¡Felicitaciones, maestro de Quizdict! Eres como un ninja experto en resolver los desafíos de trivia. Sigue con los cuestionarios, fan de Quizdict, y deja que tu amor por el aprendizaje te guíe hacia el éxito. 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Tu conocimiento ilimitado y tus rápidos reflejos nos han deslumbrado como fuegos artificiales en una noche de verano. ¡Sigue con los concursos, fan de Quizdict, y deja que tu intelecto brille como una luz brillante para que todos la vean!¡Hurra, fantástico fan de Quizdict! Has demostrado tu dominio de nuestros cuestionarios como si fueras un mago experto al realizar un truco de magia. Tu intelecto brilla como una estrella brillante en la galaxia de Quizdict y estamos ansiosos por ver a dónde te lleva tu brillantez. ¡Sigue haciendo cuestionarios como un campeón!¡Dios mío, fenomenal participante de Quizdict! Nos has sorprendido a todos con tu increíble inteligencia y tus reflejos ultrarrápidos. ¡Tus triunfos en nuestros desafíos de trivia nos hacen querer gritar "¡Eureka!" y bailar! Sigue deslumbrándonos con tu intelecto y deja que Quizdict sea tu patio de recreo de sabiduría. ¡Eres una maravilla de las trivias!¡Vaya, eres un genio de Quizdict! Has completado nuestras preguntas de trivia como un canguro veloz en una misión. ¡Tu inteligencia ilumina Quizdict como un deslumbrante espectáculo de fuegos artificiales! Sigue saltando de una pregunta a otra, difundiendo tu ingenio e inspirándonos a todos con tu conocimiento. ¡Eres una verdadera superestrella de las preguntas de trivia!
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Simplemente dinos quién eres para ver tus resultados!

Who played the role of Buffy Summers in the '90s TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who starred opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in the '90s film "Romeo + Juliet"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who starred as Neo in "The Matrix"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Which actress played Vivian Ward in "Pretty Woman"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who was the male lead in "10 Things I Hate About You"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Which actress starred in "There's Something About Mary"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who played Xena in "Xena: Warrior Princess"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who played Fox Mulder in "The X-Files"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who was the female lead in "Speed"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Which actress starred in the cult classic "The Craft"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who starred as the title character in the TV show "Dawson's Creek"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who was the leading lady in "My Best Friend's Wedding"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who played the character Cher Horowitz in "Clueless"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Who portrayed Agent J in "Men in Black"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
Which actress played the character Sidney Prescott in "Scream"?
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Ah, the '90s—a golden era of pop culture, grunge music, and some of the most iconic stars that have graced our screens. Whether it was teen heartthrobs, action heroes, or ingenues, the '90s had a roster of celebrities who became synonymous with the decade. So, let's stroll down memory lane and see how well you remember these shining stars from the '90s! Are you ready to get nostalgic?