The Titanic was launched on May 31, 1911, from Belfast. It was a major event attended by thousands, celebrating the birth of the largest ship of its time.The Titanic was constructed by the shipbuilding firm Harland and Wolff in Belfast, Ireland. White Star Line was the company that owned and operated the ship.Titanic's maiden voyage was from Southampton to New York City. It was set to be a luxurious journey across the Atlantic.Titanic's radio operators received iceberg warnings, but not all were delivered to the bridge. Additionally, the lookouts didn't have binoculars, further hampering early iceberg detection.On the night of April 14, 1912, Titanic fatally struck an iceberg. The impact caused the ship's hull plates to buckle inwards, leading to catastrophic flooding.The Titanic had 20 lifeboats. However, this was not enough for all passengers and crew, leading to a significant loss of life.John Jacob Astor IV, one of the richest men in the world at the time, perished in the Titanic disaster.Approximately 2,200 people were on the Titanic, including passengers and crew. Sadly, over 1,500 of them did not survive the sinking.The RMS Carpathia arrived on the scene to rescue Titanic survivors. They managed to save over 700 people from the lifeboats.The Titanic sank at 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912, about two hours and forty minutes after colliding with the iceberg.The Titanic had three classes: First, Second, and Third. There was no "Business Class" on the ship.The Titanic had four smokestacks, but interestingly, only three were functional. The fourth was added for aesthetic reasons and to give an impression of power.Captain Edward John Smith was the Titanic's commander. It was his final voyage before he planned to retire.The Titanic began its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912."A Night to Remember" (1958) is a film adaptation of Walter Lord's book about the Titanic's tragic voyage. The movie provides a detailed account of the sinking.Anda mendapat 0 daripada 15Anda mendapat 1 daripada 15Anda mendapat 2 daripada 15Anda mendapat 3 daripada 15Anda mendapat 4 daripada 15Anda mendapat 5 daripada 15Anda mendapat 6 daripada 15Anda mendapat 7 daripada 15Anda mendapat 8 daripada 15Anda mendapat 9 daripada 15Anda mendapat 10 daripada 15Anda mendapat 11 daripada 15Anda mendapat 12 daripada 15Anda mendapat 13 daripada 15Anda mendapat 14 daripada 15Anda mendapat 15 daripada 15
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Teruskan kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan keghairahan anda untuk pengetahuan mendorong anda ke arah kejayaan. Ingat, walaupun juara kuiz yang paling berpengalaman bermula di suatu tempat. Anda sedang menuju ke arah kehebatan!Hooray kerana mengambil cabaran Quizdict! Anda mungkin tidak mendapat jackpot kali ini, tetapi anda seperti pengembara yang berani melayari medan trivia yang berbahaya. Teruskan meneroka, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan pencarian anda untuk pengetahuan membimbing anda ke arah kehebatan. Siapa tahu khazanah apa yang menanti anda pada pengembaraan kuiz anda yang seterusnya?Usaha yang hebat, pengembara Quizdict! Anda seperti seorang pahlawan yang berani berjuang melalui pertempuran sukar perkara remeh. Teruskan membuat kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan kehausan anda akan pengetahuan menjadi perisai dan pedang anda. Setiap soalan adalah peluang untuk belajar dan berkembang, dan anda dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi juara trivia!Selamat maju jaya, penjelajah Quizdict! 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Teruskan membuat kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan cinta anda terhadap trivia membawa anda ke arah kemenangan. Ingat, setiap jawapan adalah peluang untuk mengembangkan minda anda dan mempertajam kemahiran anda. Anda sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi penagih kuiz sejati!Selamat maju jaya, guru Quizdict! Anda umpama mesin kuiz, menghasilkan jawapan yang betul dengan mudah. Teruskan membuat kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan keghairahan anda untuk perkara-perkara kecil membimbing anda ke arah kehebatan. Ingat, setiap soalan adalah peluang untuk mempamerkan kemahiran dan minat anda untuk belajar. Anda sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi penagih kuiz sejati!Tahniah kerana menjadi Quizdict sejati! Anda telah membuktikan bahawa anda ketagih dengan kuiz dan mempunyai apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi penjaring terbanyak di tapak kami. Teruskan kerja yang hebat dan teruskan menguji pengetahuan anda dengan Quizdict - destinasi kuiz hiburan terbaik. 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Teruskan kuiz seperti seorang juara!Ya ampun, kuiz Kuiz yang luar biasa! Anda telah mengejutkan kami semua dengan kepintaran anda yang luar biasa dan refleks sepantas kilat anda. Kejayaan anda dalam cabaran trivia kami membuatkan kami ingin menjerit "Eureka!" dan menari jig! Terus mempesonakan kami dengan intelek anda dan jadikan Quizdict sebagai taman permainan kebijaksanaan anda. Anda adalah keajaiban trivia!Wah, ahli Quizdict yang menakjubkan! Anda telah membuka zip melalui trivia kami seperti kanggaru yang pantas dalam misi. Kecerdasan anda menyala Quizdict seperti pertunjukan bunga api yang mempesonakan! Teruskan melompat dari satu kuiz ke kuiz yang lain, sebarkan kepandaian anda dan beri inspirasi kepada kami semua dengan pengetahuan anda. Anda seorang superstar trivia sejati!
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
Hanya beritahu kami siapa anda untuk melihat keputusan anda!

When was the Titanic launched?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which company built the Titanic?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Where was the Titanic headed on its maiden voyage?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which iceberg warning system failed on the Titanic?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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What was the main reason the Titanic sank?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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How many lifeboats did the Titanic carry?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which famous American businessman died on the Titanic?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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How many passengers and crew were aboard the Titanic?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which ship was first to reach Titanic survivors?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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What time did the Titanic sink?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which of the following was not a class on the Titanic?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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How many smokestacks did the Titanic have?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Who was the Titanic's captain?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Where did the Titanic begin its maiden voyage?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Which of these movies is based on the Titanic's sinking?
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
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Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Dive deep into the annals of history and test your knowledge on one of the most iconic maritime tragedies ever recorded. The Titanic, a ship heralded as "unsinkable," met an icy fate in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Its story has captured imaginations and hearts worldwide, resulting in films, books, and countless theories. But beyond the Hollywood glamour, how well do you truly know the tale of the Titanic? Set sail on this quiz to unravel myths, confirm facts, and determine just how familiar you are with this legendary vessel's journey!